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Shield of Hate
She used to tell me I should try to write happier
things. Then again, she used to tell me she
loved me. I ran. I ran because it is all I’ve ever
known. I ran because my mother ran and my
father didn’t care enough to show me another
way. I was force taught that anger was bad and
there is no just reason to show it. I ran.
Armour of Wisdom
Memories of a soul now gone. I quit drugs
because they controlled my emotions. Now I
drink to drain them away. Drugs took from me
all the reasons I had to care. Everyday I wake
one step further from the world that made me.
I cannot tell what that means. I may be
becoming who I was meant to be. Though, it
might just mean I’ll never be the same.
Sword of Knowledge
We glamourize the survival of hell and high
water. We never ask what remains after the
journey. Memories of pain and friends we
cannot trust. Maybe it is this way because I
failed. It is possible that survivors are left with
something else entirely. I only feel lost when I
am at home. Is this wanderlust or a deep self
loathing? Could it be that only the defenseless
attack first?